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Treatment Plan


At Professional Hearing Center we believe that no two patients are the same. A patient often comes to our office with a specific complaint and we are able to offer multiple solutions in order to help them. The Audiologist and patient will work together to develop an effective and efficient treatment plan favored by both parties. This is done by the Audiologist evaluating the patient's hearing status, discussing environments and situations the patient is struggling in, and taking into consideration patient treatment preference. Most commonly when faced with the diagnosis of hearing loss, hearing aids are the patient’s treatment option of choice. 

At Professional Hearing Center we offer free hearing aid consultations to develop the patient's individualized treatment plan. This is a great first step if you are starting to notice hearing concerns. At this appointment hearing aid styles, technology, accessories and assistive listening devices can all be discussed. 

If moving forward with hearing aids through our office, know that we not only continue to take care of the hearing aids, but also the patient. Routine cleaning and checks are scheduled, as well as sound/volume adjustments when needed for no additional cost while the aids are under warranty.

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