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Signs & Symptoms


Most hearing loss occurs gradually – and as we adjust and compensate, the symptoms become difficult to recognize. You might begin turning up the volume on the TV or ask others to repeat themselves.​​

When our hearing begins to fade we tend to forget how things really sound. We live in a quieter world, unaware that we are missing many soft sounds of everyday life - like the patter of rain or birdsongs.

It's time to consult us if you are experiencing one or more of the following problems/symptoms:

  • Do you frequently ask for words to be repeated?  
  • Do you often turn up the television or radio louder than others like?​
  • Does speech sound muffled to you, or do people sound as though they're mumbling when they speak to you?​
  • Do you have trouble hearing over the telephone?​
  • Do you find it difficult to follow a conversation in a noisy restaurant or crowded room?​
  • Have you had any significant noise exposure at work?​
  • Do you find men’s voices easier to understand than women’s?​
  • Does a hearing problem cause you to feel embarrassed when meeting new people?​
  • Does a hearing problem cause you to visit friends, relatives or neighbors less often than you would like?​
  • Does a hearing problem cause you to talk to family members less​ often than you would like?​
  • Does a hearing problem cause you to feel depressed?​

We are here to help!

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