Hearing Tests

Professional Hearing Center
Audiologists and Hearing & Balance Experts located throughout the Kansas City Metropolitan Area
The Hearing Test: Audiogram
An audiogram is necessary to find out the type of hearing loss a person has. In order to rule out medically treatable conditions, a series of tests will be performed. At Professional Hearing Center, you will know your results immediately. These results will be explained in detail, and appropriate treatment options will be discussed.
Baseline Audiogram
It is our recommendation that people of any age have a baseline audiogram. Even for people who have no hearing loss, having a baseline audiogram is a great way to track any changes they may experience in the future. Some medications can cause hearing loss; some viruses, some noise exposure, and many other causes can affect one’s ability to hear. Depending on the results of a baseline evaluation, the audiologists at Professional Hearing Center will recommend a follow-up regimen for each patient based on their individual needs.
Occupational Testing
At Professional Hearing Center, we offer industrial baseline testing, annual follow-up testing, threshold shift monitoring, and hearing protection counseling to those exposed to occupational noise. If you or your employer/employees need more information